03 June 2009

What am I doing?

After admiring Sacha Chua's blog today, I realized I have to get off my butt and write a bit more. Worst case scenario I post public thoughts about not all that much and someone stumbles upon them in the years to come wondering why I even had a blog. But then I realized I need to pursue why I launched my blog in the first place...now why was that? Just Kidding, JK for the youngsters and texters.

I started this whole thing to connect with those who have similar interests and to grow my microscopic footprint on the internet. I want to meet other consultants who live in hotels. I want to exchange pics and addresses with other burger aficionados. I want to hear about you rad bicycle that takes you places. And did I say I want to connect with others? I want to learn and get better at what I do. I have switched from a technology consultant to a implementation consultant, to a senior consultant, to a managing consultant, to a wannabee web 2.0 / enterprise 2.0 consultant while laying the groundwork for a performance consultant...so yeah, I'm headed in the right direction. Or at least a path that makes me happy. But there is nothing wrong with getting better.

I'm going to step it up. Thanks for the pep talk Sacha. You can find her article on Magic Beans here if you want.

Oh, and I have been working on the mini garden my fiance and I have in ceramic pots too.

1 comment:

Sacha Chua said...

Hey, looking forward to reading about your adventures! =)