06 July 2009

Are you having trouble with your new SD card?

Why does my SDHC card not work with my laptop, PC, camera, or phone?

It took me a little while to figure out why my laptop and smartphone wouldn't recognize the SD card I recently bought. It turns out I bought one of the newer SDHC cards. And with this newer higher capacity technology (2+ GB) comes new drivers.

To cut to the chase...search the support articles on your operating system brand for "SDHC support " or something similar. For me it was Microsoft XP: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/934428.

I have yet to try the patch out because my camera dock and USB cable are at home and I am on the road. I will update this article with confirmation after I complete this. To read up on more information, browse through the support articles of the brand of your SDHC card, your hardware device...or just skip to the OS. A lot of information comes up just by searching with "SDHC".

If you can find an update for Windows Mobile 5.0 let me know.

Good Luck.

1 comment:

mmakis said...

Pictures are now able to be extracted. It's not as easy as "It works". I say this because I no longer get the dialogue I used to when connecting the USB cord, rather it recognizes the camera like a USB flash pen. None the less, my computer is now compatible with the SDHC card. However, it appears that video will be my next hurdle as my PC doesn't recognize the (new) *.mov extensions.